Water Hygiene & Legionella Prevention
Water Hygiene Prevention Callback Request
Legionella Risk Assessment
Log Book Audit
Water Temperature Monitoring
Shower Head Descaling & Disinfecting
Shower maintenance programmes are considered good practice to ensure that shower heads and hoses are free from scale build up. Scale can become a form of nutrition to legionella and other waterborne bacteria.
Quarterly shower head and hose descaling is a suitable way of controlling the build-up of scale and other debris ensuring that showering is safer.
Cold Water Storage Tank Inspections
Cold water storage tanks inspection is an effective way of managing potential contamination of water systems from stored water systems. This is particularly important if the cold water tank is supplying drinking water outlets. Drinking water storage tanks should be kept clean at all times as mentioned in BSEN 806-5.
Cold Water Storage Tanks that don’t supply water for drinking can still pose a risk to the other systems they supply if they are not managed and inspected adequately and installed and maintained to be fit for purpose.
Thermostatic Mixing Valve Maintenance
TMV maintenance is an essential part of water safety in your workplace. TMVs (Thermostatic Mixing Valves) are used in many applications such as handwashing, bathing, showering and for any other hot water supplies in which a risk of scalding has been identified. If TMVs are not serviced and maintained to the manufacturer’s guidelines, then this can result in poor operation and could result in the users of the water outlet being scalded.
TMVs can also become an ideal location for potential Legionella Proliferation. Oasis Facilities Management experience has found TMV fed outlets are far more likely to result in a positive Legionella sample than a directly supplied hot water outlet. This is due to the lower temperature they operate at. TMVs should only be installed where it is an absolute necessity and as close to the outlet as possible. Regular use and flushing of mixed outlets along with regular servicing and maintenance will prevent Proliferation.
Water Temperature Monitoring